With so many students traveling to and from school each day, transportation officials have a responsibility to protect students. Discover how to assess and enhance school zone safety in your community by leveraging solutions that fit your school's budget and unique needs.

Building a Safe School Zone Environment: A Step-by-Step Guide

Millions of U.S. students travel through school zones during the school season, making the safety of these roadways a priority for many communities. While school zones are often designed with student safety in mind, approximately 120 fatalities still occur each year as a result of school-transportation-related crashes, requiring further countermeasures (NHTSA). Promoting slower speeds and elevating driver awareness is vital to ensuring school zone safety — and is possible to achieve by upgrading your infrastructure.

With school zone safety solutions that range from school crosswalk systems to speed feedback signs, our variety of systems and enhancements make it easier to protect students in school crosswalks and reduce speeding in school zones. Suitable for any situation, our signs and systems can be enhanced with attention-grabbing LEDs, from beacons to edge-lit school zone signs — and much more.  


Draw attention to posted school zone speed limit signs upon activation of BlinkerSign® or BlinkerBeacon™ LEDs.

A one-of-kind crosswalk solution proven to increase driver yield rates by as much as 96% at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings.

Combine attention-grabbing LED-enhanced warning alerts with top-of-the-line driver feedback signs to reduce motorist speeds.

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