BlinkerRadar™ systems combine driver feedback signs with warning alerts to provide an added level of speed awareness in school zones and problem areas.
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When static speed limit signs prove ineffective, communities around the country are reducing drivers' speeds with BlinkerRadar™ Driver Feedback Systems, a unique solution that combines attention-grabbing LED-enhanced warning alerts with proven speed-reducing driver feedback signs.
This cost-effective, MUTCD-compliant solution slows speeding drivers at school zones, heavy pedestrian areas, corporate campuses and anywhere with heavy foot traffic, increasing safety on roadways for pedestrians and motorists alike.
Reliable, energy-efficient and exceptionally versatile, TAPCO-Integrated LED-Enhanced Warning Alerts can be integrated with any solar- or AC-powered TAPCO Intelligent Warning System.
The use of TAPCO controllers allows for user-specific customization unique to each system.
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Remotely program and schedule up to 16 activations per day for up to two years via BlinkLink®. Local time clocks and 4G Time Clock Retrofit Kits are also available.
The 24/7 or radar detection options provide two system activations settings based on customer preference:
Time clock scheduling flashes amber LEDs. When a speeding vehicle is detected during the same time clock schedule, white LEDs flash in a wig-wag pattern with amber LEDs while the driver feedback sign alerts activate (only applicable with S5-1 BlinkerSign®).
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BlinkerBeacon™ in single, dual vertical or dual horizontal (shown) configurations paired with a Driver Feedback Sign
BlinkerSign® with eight white LEDs embedded in the edges to catch a driver's attention.
Enhanced with six white LEDs surrounding the speed limit sign face perimeter and four amber LEDs surrounding the school zone sign face perimeter.
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Our systems can be assembled using a variety of BlinkerBeacon™ mounting arrangements to maximize safety at any location.
Flex Power options provide flexible system configuration for multiple applications and power requirements while allowing easy access to control cabinets.
Any solar TAPCO system can be designed to fit your power or environmental need. Additional options are available upon request.
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