Increase driver awareness and safely guide drivers through dangerous highway curves
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Increase driver awareness and safely guide drivers through dangerous highway curves
Engineered to fit the contours of any curve, the BlinkerChevron™ Dynamic Curve Warning System features wirelessly connected LED-enhanced signs to reduce in-curve speeds, keeping drivers on the road.
Reducing rural roadway departures starts with understanding where and why they occur and what safety countermeasures are available. Learn how to better protect all road users with these data-driven insights.
Discover how the Wisconsin Department of Transportation saw a 97 percent decrease in accidents on one of Wisconsin's most traveled interchanges.
“We have also installed [this curve warning system] on two-lane roads, and they have been very successful in reducing crashes.”
– Tom Heydel
WisDOT Southeast Region Signing & Marking Operations & Design Engineer
Need to keep drivers on the road? Discover how to reduce roadway departures today by downloading the TAPCO curve warning solutions brochure.
Browse all TAPCO curve warning solutions in one document
Edge-lit around the chevron symbol and engineered to capture drivers' attention, each BlinkerChevron™ is MUTCD-compliant and flashes in accordance with MUTCD section 2A.07.
Extreme weather events can inflict severe damage to standard traffic signs.
Reinforced with two additional layers of material, the ruggedized BlinkerSign® is engineered to take on heavy winds, plowed snow and falling debris.
To review power requirements, specifications and more details about the TAPCO ruggedized BlinkerSign®, download the data sheet below.
Dynamic Curve Warning Systems are engineered to maximize safety on any curve. A combination of activation, flash patterns and power options can be custom-built to fit the uniqueness of your curve.
Programmed to always flash the system, 24/7 operation provides added safety at interstates and highly trafficked curves.
Using ambient light sensors, BlinkerChevron™ flashes during nighttime hours to enhance awareness.
Radar sensors are mounted on the first system pole to trigger the system to activate based on predetermined criteria:
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One chevron per pole alerts drivers approaching the curve. This option is installed on roads where drivers travel in only one direction, such as interstates and highways.
Two chevrons per pole are installed on roads where drivers travel in both directions, such as two-lane rural roads.
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Delivers a pull-through effect, guiding drivers through the curve
Flashes all chevrons in unison once the system is activated
Flex Power options provide flexible system configuration for multiple applications and power requirements while allowing easy access to control cabinets.
Any solar TAPCO system can be designed to fit your power or environmental need. Additional options are available upon request.
Blending seamlessly into the surrounding environment, these self-contained control cabinets house power supplies for quick installation, with no trenching or in-ground wiring needed.
13-watt solar panel
28Ah battery capacity
30-watt solar panel
44Ah battery capacity
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Integrate Advance Curve Warning Alert with this system to provide advance warning of changes in road trajectory with customized signs and advisory speed plaques.
Precipitation sensor triggers system activation and adjusts speed threshold when unfavorable weather conditions are present based on predetermined specifications.
Blankout Signs - Display warning messages and flash overhead beacons when drivers are traveling too fast for the curve
Dynamic Message Boards - Provide en-route information that adjusts to a warning when the driver is traveling too fast for the curve ahead
Add another layer of safety to your system with the Connected Vehicle Interface, an Ethernet interface for TAPCO BlinkerCheveron™ Dynamic Curve Warning Systems to connect with and communicate information to connected vehicle infrastructure, such as roadside units (RSUs).
Enhance this system with BlinkLink®, an easy-to-use event management application for agencies to remotely manage and monitor their Intelligent Warning Systems.
Get a customized service agreement for optimal performance and peace of mind.