Since 2012, Departments of Transportation and traffic engineers have turned to TAPCO Wrong-Way Alert Systems to reduce wrong-way driving events.
TAPCO invents the BlinkerSign®, a flashing LED-enhanced sign utilized in wrong-way applications due to its proven effectiveness.
TAPCO is the first to launch a comprehensive Wrong-Way Alert System, which goes on to win an ATSSA innovation award in 2012. That same year, TAPCO releases BlinkLink® V.1, a software safety tool that generates high-priority alerts, compiles data and provides system diagnostics.
TAPCO releases BlinkLink® V.2 with image confirmation. The software safety tool becomes a wrong-way system standard throughout the industry.
TAPCO launches its national service offering, with many wrong-way maintenance agreements established. TAPCO also installs the industry's first wrong-way driver connected vehicle solution with thermal detection.
TAPCO launches its Advanced Communication Controller to expand network capabilities and is awarded a USDOT contract to develop a physical intervention enhancement to the TAPCO Wrong-Way Alert System.
TAPCO launches LegendViz® Traffic Signs featuring LED-illuminated legends to improve nighttime safety. TAPCO also reaches over 1,000 TAPCO Wrong-Way Alert Systems installed.
TAPCO upgrades the technology behind its wrong-way driving solutions, bringing state-of-the-art video-as-a-sensor detection technology and wrong-way digital alerts to the TAPCO Wrong-Way Alert System.