Traffic Monitoring & Road Safety Sensor

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Traffic Monitoring & Road Safety AI Sensor

Viva's technology provides intelligent video analytics to gather and analyze data on transportation networks.

Viva sensors provide highly accurate multimodal data to assess the impact of road safety interventions and enable data-led decision making to help prevent incidents. In addition, they are able to monitor use cases such as active travel patterns, footfall analysis and rat-run behavior.

This is achieved by combining state-of-the-art edge processing with advanced machine learning algorithms, enabling the sensors to recognize and track different types of vehicles and active travel modes within their field of view. As a result, we can gather extremely accurate, high-quality data on movement patterns, behavior and classified counts of all road users.

An all-in-one single sensor is able to provide a breadth of data for a large road area (multiple lanes up to 50m from the sensor), making them a highly attractive alternative to traditional induction loops and magnetometers.

Sensor Capabilities

Classified Counts

The number of road users which have crossed a countline and their direction of travel.

Dwell Times

The length of time that each road user has spent stopped in a zone.

Near Miss

The number of potential collisions between road users and the root cause of the near miss event.


The number of road users detected in a zone with the ability to differentiate between moving and stopped road users.

Sensor Image

A real-time privacy-protected image capture of the sensor’s field of view.


The instantaneous speed of a road user as they cross a countline.


The movement path taken by every road user during a specified time range.

Turning Counts

The number of road users who have moved from one zone to another zone.






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